yeah, i don't know why i couldn't see it.

should this work, in a .cmd file?

Would this work?  The problem is, I do not have
roaming profiles in use(As it is not practical for us,
as users tend to use the same computers).  I want only
users with IP from 192.168.1.x to load the databases.

The loaddatabases.cmd file in question would contain

        rem Grab IP address and dump to a file
ipconfig >"%userprofile%\ipconfig.txt"
        echo Checking for your location

findstr "192.168.1" "%userprofile%\ipconfig.txt"
if errorlevel 1 goto notLoading
echo Loading Databases ....
rd /S /Q C:\Access\Databases
xcopy /C /Y /K /F /Z /Q /E /H Q:\Access\FrontEnds
goto end

echo Not loading Databases
goto :end


--- Michael Lueck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> John H. wrote:
> > your response was blank.
> Well I could see it via nntp at, but it
> does not specifically address your need.
> I would suggest something like screen scraping
> ipconfig to find the IP address, and if not correct
> to run the script them goto the end of the script.
> Full path all executables you execute, and use 
> ones on the client workstation. If you do not full
> path then Windows searches the server first for the
> file to execute, then the local path, so this skips
> that useless searching step.
> -- 
> Michael Lueck
> Lueck Data Systems
> Remove the upper case letters NOSPAM to contact me
> directly.
> -- 
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