One more thing I forgot to mention. The chapter calls for editing /etc/resolv.conf, but in my case it won't stay edited--it keeps getting set back to an original form (for searching my ISP) on every reboot.

Thanks again.

Eric Hines

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Samba-3 By Ex Chapt 3
Date:   Tue, 05 Jul 2005 17:47:09 -0500
From:   Eric Hines <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:     Samba <>

I guess I'm ate up with dumb because I'm having a great deal of difficulty with this chapter.

I'm running Samba v 3.0.14a on an FC3 machine. I've got two basic problems: one centers on my DNS set up and the other is an authenticated logon problem. With /etc/nsswitch.conf set to "hosts: dns," I cannot ping my samba server--"Host not found." Nor does <host> (which appears in my /etc/hosts file) resolve the name (incidentally, "host -f ..." just tells me the f is an illegal option). WINS seems to resolve OK (at least the test for that in the chapter passes). I've checked my files several times, and I can find no error in them. The other problem is running smbclient //lserver1/accounts -U ehines. I'm invited to give the password, so that part is OK, but when I do, I just get an NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE message. ehines is the owner of accounts and a member of the group that owns accounts. I think this goes back to my logon file in /scripts (per the smb.conf set up), but I'm clueless as to what should be in that file. That file currently has the following contents:

   net time \\lserver1 /set /yes
   net use h: /home
   net use p: \\lserver1\accounts

Any help on these two would be greatly appreciated.

Eric Hines

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 - Abraham Lincoln

He can compress the most words into the smallest ideas of any man
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