Eric Hines wrote:
> My DNS server sits on lserver1.  I'm trying to ping lserver1 from


Response is?

> lserver1.  With nsswitch set only to files or only to wins (/e.g./, 
> hosts: files), this is successful.  With nsswitch set only to dns, I
> cannot get name resolution, although I can successfully ping by IP
> address.  I can ping lserver1 by name or by IP successfully from
> mustelidae.   
> Where is lserver1 pointing in terms of DNS?  How do I tell?  At this

John also mentions setting in resolv.conf
nameserver    (this is your loopback address)
nameserver   (this should be the ip of your router/firewall)
(you can have a maximum of 3 nameserver listed

> point, all I can say is that I've set up named.conf (and dhcpd.conf)
> as John has them in his Chapt 3 example, with the sole differences
> being that I'm using one subnet and not two (a DHCP issue), I'm
> calling my server, vice, and
> lserver1's IP address is, vice the one John's using in
> his example.      
> Aside from these edits, named.conf (and dhcpd.conf) are cut and
> pastes from John's latest on line.  Is /etc/resolv.conf part of this
> answer?  


> My named.conf and dhcpd.conf are built from John's example, as
> mentioned above.  /Etc/hosts has the IP address/name pairs he calls
> for.  I think that means I'm running a local name server.  

No.  The hosts file bypasses dns eg. Nsswitch is usually set to "files dns
Check files 1st then dns, then wins to find names on your lan
Files is your hosts files the rest should be self explanitory

> As you can see, I have very little understanding of what's going on
> here; I've rather slavishly followed John's example, and I'm clearly
> making mistakes I'm not recognizing.  

You need to learn about DNS elsewhere. 
Go here, and read this:
Particularly this:
Then apply it to your situation.

> Thanks
> Eric Hines

The over view is this:
The way out of this mess from my point of veiw is to switch off dhcp from
the router/firewall.
Your samba server needs to know it can be a dns server.  It finds this out
from the resolv.conf file. Make it have a static ip.
Any windows machine that is obtaining an IP address via DHCP needs to have
the wins server ipaddress handed to it otherwise it will use broadcasts.
You can see how to do this if your samba server becomes the dhcp server on
your lan, from john's section on configuring the dhcpd.  It sounds like the
samba server is correctly configured for wins. (really you should show us
your resolv.conf and your smb.conf + your nsswitch.conf)
Most real servers have static IP's for fairly obvious reasons.
And then other things should start to fall into place for you.

Regards Geoff Scott
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