

In the interest of better compatibility for file stores and
authentication, we are trying to implement a Linux machine as a primary
domain controller using SAMBA and LDAP. The goal is to have both Windows
XP computers and Mac OS X computers able to authenticate against the
PDC, thereby allowing access to appropriate file stores on the network.

While it is easy to have the Windows machines authenticate against the
server without LDAP, I seem to be unable to use the server as an
authentication source for the Mac OS X machines unless I try to use

The problem I seem to have is that I can only get Windows to work with
the server or OS X to work with the server, but not both. Unfortunately,
I am rather new to this area and I cannot seem to find any good
documentation or examples thus far. Has anyone tried this or have some
experience in this area and could provide some suggestions or references
to implementation?



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