Quoting William Jojo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

----- Original Message -----
To: <samba@lists.samba.org>
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 4:48 AM
Subject: Re: [Samba] Account Unknown for users with Samba 3.0.11/14


> The issue is that when I click "Properties... Security" in Windows on
> something shared on the samba server, all the groups come up OK but
> users are displayed as  (for example) "Account Unknown
> {S-1-5-21-4012146134-3166284455-2856603714-3038)".
> I've checked, and that account SID is correct. However, I'd expect it
> to eventually resolve to a username - it doesn't.

Well, I'll bet you don't have a group mapping on the groups in question. Any
group that has no group mapping will show up as a local group in the
security tab. If there were a group maping it should show up as a group in a
trusted domain, unless there are no trusts, then it shows a SID value.

Not sure I follow you.  Perhaps I didn't explain things clearly enough.

The server is a fileserver - there is no domain involved. Full ACL support is compiled in and actively used.

The groups show up OK in the security tab - they resolve to local groups on the fileserver itself, and are displayed in Windows as:

backups (CRONUS\backups)
u4ea-us (CRONUS\u4ea-us)

There's no Windows <-> Unix group mapping, insofar as the samba server is let to work out the groups itself from the SID without the aid of entries in the LDAP database, which it seems to do OK. I imagine it's working out the group algorithmically from the SID it's presented.

Further investigation has shown that the LDAP server is queried for
Group SIDs, but not for User SIDs.
Yep, that's correct for the Group SID, it's gathering information on the
group value of the filesystem object is my guess.
The user SID should have already been retrieved and stored in the security
context if that is the owner of the fs object. I'm assuming here that
extended ACL's are not involved.
If the SID for the user is not the SID for the DC, you will get unknown user
since LDAP holds the sambaSID and sambaPrimaryGroupSID for each user. In the

I could understand this if Windows was logging on to a domain - AIUI essentially the scenario you describe would have the same username on domain controller and fileserver, but SIDs wouldn't be synchronised. However, the Windows box isn't logging onto a domain.

smbpasswd world, a users SID value is the servers since that info is not
stored in smbpasswd and the RID is algorithmically calculated (uid * 2 +
1000, by default).

The SID Windows displays is:


$ ldapsearch -D"cn=manager,dc=u4eatech,dc=com" -b "dc=u4eatech,dc=com" -h localhost -W -v -x

# jamesc, People, u4eatech.com
dn: uid=jamesc,ou=People,dc=u4eatech,dc=com
uid: jamesc
sambaSID: S-1-5-21-4012146134-3166284455-2856603714-3038
sambaPrimaryGroupSID: S-1-5-21-4012146134-3166284455-2856603714-3001
displayName: James Cort,,,
sambaPwdMustChange: 2147483647
sambaPasswordHistory: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
sambaAcctFlags: [U          ]
uidNumber: 1019
loginShell: /bin/bash
gidNumber: 1000
homeDirectory: /home/jamesc
gecos: James Cort
cn: James Cort
objectClass: account
objectClass: sambaSamAccount
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: top
objectClass: u4eaPerson
sambaPwdCanChange: 1134664550
sambaPwdLastSet: 1134664550

The problem may not be the SID. It could be the RID. Is it possible the
owner of the file is a *number*? This would indicate a uid for a
non-existent user. This would fall to algorithmic calculation and possible
no entry in the LDAP database yielding your situation.

No, the owner of the file is jamesc, with unix uid 1019.

Another area that may not be so obvious - is the user in /etc/passwd and
LDAP? This would be horrible especially if the user has two different uid

Yes, though with the same UID values in each.  How is that a problem, though?

And the obvious...do you have config and system information? How are uid
values gathered by the system? Same LDAP database? That's important to find

Gentoo Linux, the config is:

- Users authenticate via LDAP on both Linux and Samba.
- LDAP server runs locally, slaved from a master elsewhere.
- There's only 1 LDAP database, everything lives in there.

There's similar breakage on another Samba server, which is getting its authentication from the master LDAP server used mentioned above. I'm pretty sure it *used* to work; the only possible thing I can think of which may have broken things is that there was an upgrade to OpenLDAP some time ago from 2.1.x to 2.2.28.

I've got everything to hand, I'm just not quite sure what is needed.



workgroup = u4eatech
netbios name = cronus
server string = Cronus Samba Server %v
log file = /var/log/samba3/log.%m
max log size = 0
log level = 10
map to guest = bad user
security = user
encrypt passwords = yes
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://ldap-usa.u4eatech.com
domain logons = no
os level = 33
preferred master = no
local master = no
domain master = no
ldap suffix = dc=u4eatech,dc=com
ldap user suffix = ou=People
ldap group suffix = ou=Group
ldap admin dn = cn=smbadmin,dc=u4eatech,dc=com
ldap ssl = no
ldap passwd sync = Yes
Dos charset = 850
Unix charset = ISO8859-1

#============================ Share Definitions ==============================

  comment = Home Directories
  browseable = no
  writable = yes
# You can enable VFS recycle bin on a per share basis:
# Uncomment the next 2 lines (make sure you create a
# .recycle folder in the base of the share and ensure
# all users will have write access to it. See
# examples/VFS/recycle/REAME in the samba docs for details
;   vfs object = /usr/lib/samba/vfs/recycle.so

##### other directories

# Copied from thor
  path = /home/sambash
  public = yes
  only guest = yes
  writable = yes
  browsable = yes
  printable = no

  path = /home/www/localhost
  public = yes
  only guest = yes
  writable = yes
  browsable = yes
  printable = no

  path = /home
  public = no
  writable = no
  browsable = no
  printable = no
  valid users = @backups

  path = /home/fremont
  browseable = yes
  writable = yes


include         /etc/openldap/schema/core.schema
include         /etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
include         /etc/openldap/schema/nis.schema
include         /etc/openldap/schema/misc.schema
include         /etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
include         /etc/openldap/schema/samba.schema
include         /etc/openldap/schema/authldap.schema
include         /etc/openldap/schema/openldap.schema
include         /etc/openldap/schema/u4eatech.schema

password-hash {md5}

TLSCertificateFile /etc/ssl/ldap.pem
TLSCertificateKeyFile /etc/openldap/ssl/ldap.pem
TLSCACertificateFile /etc/ssl/ldap.pem

pidfile         /var/run/openldap/slapd.pid
argsfile        /var/run/openldap/slapd.args

loglevel        768

access to dn="dc=u4eatech,dc=com" attrs=userPassword,gecos,description,loginShell,sambaLMPassword,sambaNTPassword,shadowLastChange,
       by dn="cn=manager,dc=u4eatech,dc=com" write
       by dn="cn=smbadmin,dc=u4eatech,dc=com" write
       by self write
       by * auth

access to dn="ou=AddressBook,dc=u4eatech,dc=com"
       by anonymous read
       by anonymous search

access to dn.regex="cn=([^,]+),ou=AddressBook,(dc=[^,]+(,dc=[^,]+)*)$"
       by dn.exact,expand="cn=$1,ou=People,dc=u4eatech,dc=com" write
       by dn.exact,expand="uid=ann,ou=People,dc=u4eatech,dc=com" write
       by dn.exact,expand="uid=jamesc,ou=People,dc=u4eatech,dc=com" write
       by self write
       by anonymous read
       by anonymous search
       by users read
       by users search
       by * none

access to dn="ou=Hosts,dc=u4eatech,dc=com" attrs=userPassword,gecos,description,loginShell,sambaLMPassword,sambaNTPassword,shadowLastChange,
       by dn="cn=manager,dc=u4eatech,dc=com" write
       by dn="cn=smbadmin,dc=u4eatech,dc=com" write
       by self write
       by * auth

access to dn="ou=Group,dc=u4eatech,dc=com" attrs=userPassword,gecos,description,loginShell,sambaLMPassword,sambaNTPassword,shadowLastChange,
       by dn="cn=manager,dc=u4eatech,dc=com" write
       by dn="cn=smbadmin,dc=u4eatech,dc=com" write
       by self write
       by * auth

access to dn="ou=People,dc=u4eatech,dc=com" attrs=userPassword,gecos,description,loginShell,sambaLMPassword,sambaNTPassword,shadowLastChange,
       by dn="cn=manager,dc=u4eatech,dc=com" write
       by dn="cn=smbadmin,dc=u4eatech,dc=com" write
       by self write
       by * auth

access to attrs=userPassword
       by dn="cn=manager,dc=u4eatech,dc=com" write
       by dn="cn=smbadmin,dc=u4eatech,dc=com" write
       by dn="cn=ldapauth,dc=u4eatech,dc=com" auth
       by anonymous auth
       by self write
       by * none

access to attrs=shadowLastChange
       by dn="cn=manager,dc=u4eatech,dc=com" write
       by dn="cn=ldapauth,dc=u4eatech,dc=com" auth
       by anonymous auth
       by self write
       by * none

access to *
       by dn="cn=manager,dc=u4eatech,dc=com" write
       by dn="cn=smbadmin,dc=u4eatech,dc=com" write
       by users read
       by anonymous auth
       by * none

allow bind_v2

database        bdb
checkpoint      128 15
suffix          "dc=u4eatech,dc=com"
rootdn          "cn=manager,dc=u4eatech,dc=com"

rootpw          "{MD5}I7xzA0VQ2M9VShh51IqgKg=="
directory       /home/openldap
index objectClass               eq
index uid                       pres,sub,eq
index displayName               pres,sub,eq
index uidNumber                 eq
index gidNumber                 eq
index memberUid,mail,givenname  eq,subinitial
index sambaSID                  eq
index sambaPrimaryGroupSID      eq
index sambaDomainName           eq
index default                   eq
index cn,sn                     pres,eq,sub

updatedn "cn=manager,dc=u4eatech,dc=com"
updateref ldaps://cygnus_new.u4eatech.com

Output from slapcat  (User account details removed to save space):

dn: dc=u4eatech,dc=com
structuralObjectClass: organization
entryUUID: a55ad09e-d8c0-1029-9940-e4463843c907
creatorsName: cn=manager,dc=u4eatech,dc=com
createTimestamp: 20051024095943Z
objectClass: top
objectClass: organization
objectClass: dcObject
dc: u4eatech
o: u4eatech
entryCSN: 20051130101617Z#000001#00#000000
modifiersName: cn=manager,dc=u4eatech,dc=com
modifyTimestamp: 20051130101617Z

dn: ou=Hosts,dc=u4eatech,dc=com
ou: Hosts
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
structuralObjectClass: organizationalUnit
entryUUID: 5d070554-d804-1029-8aae-fe352ed0f43a
creatorsName: cn=manager,dc=u4eatech,dc=com
modifiersName: cn=manager,dc=u4eatech,dc=com
createTimestamp: 20051023113157Z
modifyTimestamp: 20051023113157Z
entryCSN: 20051023113157Z#000001#00#000000

dn: ou=Rpc,dc=u4eatech,dc=com
ou: Rpc
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
structuralObjectClass: organizationalUnit
entryUUID: 5d15488a-d804-1029-8aaf-fe352ed0f43a
creatorsName: cn=manager,dc=u4eatech,dc=com
modifiersName: cn=manager,dc=u4eatech,dc=com
createTimestamp: 20051023113157Z
modifyTimestamp: 20051023113157Z
entryCSN: 20051023113157Z#000002#00#000000

dn: ou=Services,dc=u4eatech,dc=com
ou: Services
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
structuralObjectClass: organizationalUnit
entryUUID: 5d185fca-d804-1029-8ab0-fe352ed0f43a
creatorsName: cn=manager,dc=u4eatech,dc=com
modifiersName: cn=manager,dc=u4eatech,dc=com
createTimestamp: 20051023113157Z
modifyTimestamp: 20051023113157Z
entryCSN: 20051023113157Z#000003#00#000000

dn: ou=Mounts,dc=u4eatech,dc=com
ou: Mounts
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
structuralObjectClass: organizationalUnit
entryUUID: 5d1b70d4-d804-1029-8ab1-fe352ed0f43a
creatorsName: cn=manager,dc=u4eatech,dc=com
modifiersName: cn=manager,dc=u4eatech,dc=com
createTimestamp: 20051023113157Z
modifyTimestamp: 20051023113157Z
entryCSN: 20051023113157Z#000004#00#000000

dn: ou=Networks,dc=u4eatech,dc=com
ou: Networks
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
structuralObjectClass: organizationalUnit
entryUUID: 5d1e830a-d804-1029-8ab2-fe352ed0f43a
creatorsName: cn=manager,dc=u4eatech,dc=com
modifiersName: cn=manager,dc=u4eatech,dc=com
createTimestamp: 20051023113157Z
modifyTimestamp: 20051023113157Z
entryCSN: 20051023113157Z#000005#00#000000

dn: ou=People,dc=u4eatech,dc=com
ou: People
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
structuralObjectClass: organizationalUnit
entryUUID: 5d219b1c-d804-1029-8ab3-fe352ed0f43a
creatorsName: cn=manager,dc=u4eatech,dc=com
modifiersName: cn=manager,dc=u4eatech,dc=com
createTimestamp: 20051023113157Z
modifyTimestamp: 20051023113157Z
entryCSN: 20051023113157Z#000006#00#000000

dn: ou=Group,dc=u4eatech,dc=com
ou: Group
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
structuralObjectClass: organizationalUnit
entryUUID: 5d24ad20-d804-1029-8ab4-fe352ed0f43a
creatorsName: cn=manager,dc=u4eatech,dc=com
modifiersName: cn=manager,dc=u4eatech,dc=com
createTimestamp: 20051023113157Z
modifyTimestamp: 20051023113157Z
entryCSN: 20051023113157Z#000007#00#000000

dn: ou=Netgroup,dc=u4eatech,dc=com
ou: Netgroup
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
structuralObjectClass: organizationalUnit
entryUUID: 5d27bf60-d804-1029-8ab5-fe352ed0f43a
creatorsName: cn=manager,dc=u4eatech,dc=com
modifiersName: cn=manager,dc=u4eatech,dc=com
createTimestamp: 20051023113157Z
modifyTimestamp: 20051023113157Z
entryCSN: 20051023113157Z#000008#00#000000

dn: ou=Protocols,dc=u4eatech,dc=com
ou: Protocols
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
structuralObjectClass: organizationalUnit
entryUUID: 5d2ad696-d804-1029-8ab6-fe352ed0f43a
creatorsName: cn=manager,dc=u4eatech,dc=com
modifiersName: cn=manager,dc=u4eatech,dc=com
createTimestamp: 20051023113157Z
modifyTimestamp: 20051023113157Z
entryCSN: 20051023113157Z#000009#00#000000

dn: ou=Aliases,dc=u4eatech,dc=com
ou: Aliases
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
structuralObjectClass: organizationalUnit
entryUUID: 5d2de8d6-d804-1029-8ab7-fe352ed0f43a
creatorsName: cn=manager,dc=u4eatech,dc=com
modifiersName: cn=manager,dc=u4eatech,dc=com
createTimestamp: 20051023113157Z
modifyTimestamp: 20051023113157Z
entryCSN: 20051023113157Z#00000a#00#000000

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