david rankin wrote:
From: "Larry Alkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
david rankin wrote:
From: "Larry Alkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Which leads to the question,  how do I act as root on a samba share?
Or perhaps the question is how do I become root on the share?
Is sharing as root okay or is it bad practice?  Why?

Larry, in your smb.conf, try this:

       valid users = you
       force user = root
       force group = root
       admin users = you

I believe if you just set admin users = whoever, that will force the user and group to root by default. It has been a while since I played with this, but I still use it and it works...

I'm a little hesitant to access a share with full root access all the time. Do you consider this safe?

Yes, it's safe as long and you don't go wild hitting the [del] key in a willie-nillie fashion. What I usually do that masks this from all users except me is to create the user shares say:

I usually log on to a share called 'all' that starts at / so I can have my way with the target computer. Up to now it's not been root access but I learned yesterday that I can smbmount as root and, by golly, the other machine obeys me. So I'll use that at need.


Then for my use I include an additional share for my use only which give me root access to all share data; and that also hides the share from all users. YMMV, but it works for me.

How is the samba share hidden from the other users? Are you using security = user or share? Today I started experimenting with security = share and it looks a little easier to manage because the machine icon will open and list all the shares without a password.

If you have security = share it looks to me like everyone would see the samba icon but could not access it since they didn't have the password (and maybe 'valid user = david' would prevent access also).

Or did you mean 'access the samba share' by "see"?

       comment = Base Samba Share
       path = /home/samba
       valid users = david
       force user = david
       force group = ochiltree
       admin users = david
       browseable = no
       writeable = Yes
       inherit permissions = yes

What I've worked out is to mount tillie in my smbmt script with the line:
smbmount //tillie/all  /mnt/tillie
which picks up the $USER.
So if I run the script as $USER=root I'm root, otherwise a user even though my $UID=0 when I su to run the script and smbmount.

I wish there was some way to "su" into a share but haven't seen it yet.

Well for me, its fire up PuTTy; www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/
ssh server, log in as me,
and you are in.

I haven't done much PuTTy yet. At this point I'm trying to access all shares from the Linux boxes. I'm on a compaign to eliminate all Windows computers from my house except one or two, including changing out my wife's to a Mac. Most of my computing time is spent at one Linux box and I only access the Windows boxen by cli to transfer a few files and to backup.

Aside: Next time you are at the Salt Lick in Driftwood, don't forget to order the blueberry cobbler and vanilla ice cream desert. Yes, after the family style all you can eat, it will hurt, but it is worth it...

Ahh, Salt Lick. I live close by, off Camp Ben Macoulough Rd about two miles from Hwy 290 West so I've been there more times than is good for me <g>

Come to town some town and I'll treat you.  I'm in the book.

You are on! Both grand parents lived in Austin. 1807 Pearl, and the other in Jonestown on lake Travis. Ahh the days, the hike-n-bike, the lake, chasing squirrels with bb guns in Pease Park, Barton Springs (before it was topless), Town Lake.....

Austin is a really lovely town that I found after a few years of 'city shopping' with my wife. I'll look forward to meeting you. It's probably best to give me some advance notice if you can but feel free to call any time.


David C. Rankin, J.D., P.E.
510 Ochiltree Street
Nacogdoches, Texas 75961
(936) 715-9333
(936) 715-9339 fax

Larry Alkoff N2LA - Austin TX
Using Thunderbird on Slackware Linux
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