Greg J. Zartman, P.E. <greg <at>> writes:

> Jeremy,
> It is essential that you provide specifics about your Samba 
> implementation (e.g., version of samba, distro that you are running 
> samba, and any critical config parameters) if you are wanting any real 
> help from anyone.  The way you've phrased your question would be similar 
> to calling a mechanic on the phone and saying "my car is making a funny 
> noise, please tell me how to fix it."
> Greg

Sorry, I guess the problem seemed pretty trivial to me and I neglected to
specify any important details. :)

`smbclient --version` returns 3.0.22, and I'm running on Ubuntu 6.10 (latest
release).  I'm not using samba in any meaningful way except for the occasional
smbmount and smbclient commands.  I'm not using it to actually login to the
domain, so I'm not sure what critical config parameters I can give.

At the moment, the only time I actually need the password to work is to login
to the company's Exchange server via Outlook, which is running in a VMWare
instance of XP (the XP machine is not a member of the domain).

When I still used Windows XP on this machine, it was of course configured to be
a member of the domain, so each time I logged in I was warned about an almost
expired/expired password.  That is no longer the case.

Is there any simple way that I can use the various samba tools to change an
expired NT password, without full-out joining the domain?


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