Thanks for the reply.

The DC is acting as a WINS server and all clients are assigned the WINS server via DHCP. I've even statically assigned the WINS server and it does not work. Name resolution works properly, so I don't think this could be the problem.

Again, thanks.

I have had this problem even with a MS Windows DC.  I now have a OSX
Panther server as my DC.  If you don't have a WINS server then you
need to create a lmhosts file on each workstation.

Test it with one client and put the lmhosts file in the
c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc folder
There is one there already called lmhosts.sam so just take the file
extension off then add this line to the bottom
DC ip address   registered name         domain name dom-controller  #PRE #DOM:my-domain
Mine is 129.???.???.??? Cancer  #PRE  #DOM:cruk

This is on evevery PC anyway whether its on my subnet or not and it

Other people will come up with other suggestions but you'll spend
hours at them and they probably wont work cos I did 8 years ago!


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