Dear all,

I've got a linux server running samba-3.0.10 with some windows xp and windows 2k clients. My config is something like:

       server string = aroprod
       workgroup = WORKGROUP
       hosts allow = 192.168.0. 127.
       security = share
       load printers = yes
       printing = cups
       printcap name = cups
       prefered master = yes
       os level = 65
       read only = no

       path = /sis/publica/
       read only = No
       guest ok = Yes
       nt acl support = No
       force user = sis
       force group = sis

When accessing any folder within this "publica" share from a windows xp the folder's attribute "read-only" is set. Any file within this folder has got sis:sis ownership and u+rws,g+rws permissions; besides, even if windows says that is "read-only" I can browse inside it and create or delete any folder or file inside it, which is right as it is not a read-only share.

Does anyone has an idea what could be happening and how to avoid windows showing it as "read-only"???

Many thanks in advance.

Best regards

Héctor Sánchez Sanmartín
PlanaTec Software S.L. ** Castellón (Spain)
tlf: +34 964340560 ** fax: +34 964340562

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