> Dear all,
> I've got a linux server running samba-3.0.10 with some windows xp and
> windows 2k clients. My config is something like:
> [global]
>         server string = aroprod
>         workgroup = WORKGROUP
>         hosts allow = 192.168.0. 127.
>         security = share
>         load printers = yes
>         printing = cups
>         printcap name = cups
>         prefered master = yes
>         os level = 65
>         read only = no
> [publica]
>         path = /sis/publica/
>         read only = No
>         guest ok = Yes
>         nt acl support = No
>         force user = sis
>         force group = sis
May I suggest this

          path = /sis/publica/
          public = yes
#          only guest = yes
          writable = yes
          force user = sis
          force group = sis

This should solve your problem as samba by default set a share as read only and 
need to set them to writable, hence "read only = No" is not equal to "writable =

Venlig Hilsen/Best Regards
Rune Tønnesen

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