I have Samba version 3.0.24 running on a 2.6.14-gentoo-r5 x86 kernel (xeon 3ghz, 1gb ram raid 5). All clients accessing samba shares via LAN have no problems. Samba server works perfectly and fast. We are instead experiencing serious performance issues when accessing samba shares from remote clients (WAN), via VPN. Simple operations like "open a file", "copy & paste a file", "save a file" from Windows XP SP2 clients are incredibly slow. It may take 10 seconds to open a "save as" dialog box, and maybe 15 more seconds to save a "hello world" txt file from Notepad. Other services using the VPN such as SCP, SSH, HTTP, FTP work very good on the same connection, with no slow issues at all. I tried 2 kinds of VPN connections (OpenVPN and a router-proprietary VPN gateway-to-client), and both have the same issue, both only with Samba. I wonder if there is something I'm missing in client or server configuration that makes Samba talking very slow when connections are not coming from the LAN. The file transfer process works fine: once the "saving file" or "copying file" process has begun, it takes the same amount of time needed by a SCP or a FTP transfer command using the same VPN connection. I tried to copy a 2MB file from client to server and the time needed using SCP and using SAMBA (once the copy process was started) was the same. I tried to add some "socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_SNDBUF=8192 SO_RCVBUF=8192" in smb.conf with no results. The problem is the same using "explorer", command prompt, or any program in the client. We currently use all XP SP2 clients. It looks like the initial and final talking acknowledgement between client and server for any kind of operation is unacceptably slow, while the file transfer process seems not to be involved in this problem.
Here is my smb.conf global parameters section:
# Global parameters
       workgroup = MYGROUP
       netbios name = MYSERVER
       server string = %h server (Samba %v)
       encrypt passwords = Yes
       obey pam restrictions = Yes
       passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
passwd chat = *Enter\snew\sUNIX\spassword:* %n\n *Retype\snew\sUNIX\spassword:* %n\n .
       syslog = 0
       log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
       log level = 2
       max log size = 1000
       invalid users = root
       create mask = 0664
       directory mask = 0775

       comment = Home Directories
       create mask = 0600
       directory mask = 0700
       browseable = No

       path = /tmp
       guest ok = Yes
       printable = Yes
       print command = /usr/bin/printpdf %s %u
       lpq command =
       lprm command =

[... shares defitinions omitted..]

Any kind of help will be really appreciated.
Thank you

Gianfranco Pra Floriani
Nexta Media - Italy

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