The [homes] share is configured similarly to the [home] share, though one would mount it different:

\\\home   for the [home] share
\\\wmodes for the [homes] share

and for users who have the problem, they have the SID problem in mounting both shares.

On my server, even for those accounts that work fine, there is little similarity in the SID for the domain and the user's SambaSID, and the SambaPrimaryGroupSID.

I am beginning to suspect, I reset the machine SID after I created many of my accounts. And so the old SID somewhere somehow encoded within the user's old SambaSID turns up as invalid.

If anybody knows how to specify that I can trust these accounts so I don't have the SID problem, that'd be swell.


Charlie wrote:
The first part of any SID is the domain portion.  It should be pretty
constant throughout your domain as I understand things.  When dealing
with users and groups, the bit after the last dash is the RID or
relative ID and it must be unique within the domain.  Really really
unique!  If samba created your user & group sids the groups will be
odd-numbered and users will be even-numbered.

So, for example, the domain SID for my domain looks somewhat like this:

SID for domain DARKAGES is: S-1-5-21-267844371-1268535915-2638854549

And the SID for my PDC and BDCs are exactly the same, although other
servers (that are not either PDCs or BDCs) have their own unique SIDs.

My personal SID looks like this:  S-1-5-21-267844371-1268535915-2638854549-1802

Notice my RID of 1802 on the end there?  I have a uidNumber of 401 on
the POSIX side.  The beginning bit seems to define my domain
membership, though.

If I change the domain SID on my PDC with "net setlocalsid" I can no
longer log in using my own account, apparently because I do not have
the right SID.  There are ways to get around that involving winbind
and/or domain trust accounts - but I can't explain those things
because I don't understand them either.  My knowledge of CIFS and
samba is pretty shallow.

We may be off in the weeds here, though - you should check out samba's
automagical [homes] share and see if you can make it do what you want
without having to do the %U thing.


On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 6:23 PM, Wes Modes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It does not. But then the SID of each user doesn't match those of each other
either.  I've seen that asked before, but are you sure the machine's SID and
every user SID should be the same?


Charlie wrote:

If you do a "net getlocalsid" at your shell prompt on the samba server
that hosts the share, does the preamble of the SID returned match that
of the SID you see in your error messages?

I'm betting not...


On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 2:39 PM, Wes Modes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So even though I see this popping up in tons of posts, no one has
encountered it and successfully solved the problem or can illuminate the

 Here's what I did not knowing what else to do:

  1. Deleted the account.  (smbldap-userdel)
  2. Recreated the account  (smbldap-useradd)
  3. Searched for any files owned by the old user, and chown'd them to
     the new user

 It is not an elegant solution, but it is the only one I have now.  So far I
haven't gotten any accounts that have had the problem reoccur.  But I'm
waiting to see.


 Wes Modes wrote:

I'm having the problem in which users can access their group shares, but

not their home shares.  These two shares are defined thusly in smb.conf:

          comment = Science & Engineering Reference Section
          path = /data/group/seref
          valid users = @seref, @seref-read, @admin
          read list = @seref-read
          write list = @seref, @admin
          force group = seref
          create mask = 0664
          directory mask = 0770

          comment = %u's Personal Share Directory
          path = /data/home/%U
          valid users = %U, @admin
          write list = %U, @admin
          create mask = 0600
          directory mask = 0700
          browseable = No

It seems that the %U variable, causes Samba to do a lookup_global_sam_name

which fails.

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] smbclient -Ujoeblow
  '\\\home' xxxxxxxx
         tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED

Here's the relevant section of the log:

      init_sam_from_ldap: Entry found for user: joeblow
      init_group_from_ldap: Entry found for group: 30023
      User joeblow with invalid SID
  S-1-5-21-2642364908-3785178431-1037763545-61756 in passdb
    init_group_from_ldap: Entry found for group: 1001
      user 'joeblow' (from session setup) not permitted to access this
  share (home)

Please note that I am not using the ADS security model, nor do I care to

at the moment.  Here's the significant part of my smb.conf:

  ### Basic information for server
          workgroup = MCHSTAFF
          netbios name = EDGAR
          server string = Library Samba Server
          hosts allow = 169.233.
          hosts allow = 128.114.
          enable privileges = yes
          security = user
          encrypt passwords = yes
          preferred master = yes
          domain master = yes
          domain logons = yes
          local master = yes
          username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
          logon path =
          wins support = yes
          dns proxy = no

So why I am I getting the failure "User joeblow with invalid SID"?



 Wes Modes
 Server Administrator & Programmer Analyst
 McHenry Library
 Computing & Network Services
 Information and Technology Services
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Wes Modes
Server Administrator & Programmer Analyst
McHenry Library
Computing & Network Services
Information and Technology Services


Wes Modes
Server Administrator & Programmer Analyst
McHenry Library
Computing & Network Services
Information and Technology Services
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