smb.conf states "This user must exist in the passwd file, but does not require a valid login"

What exactly does this mean? As I understand it, adding a user with 'smbpasswd -a nobody' automatically gives it a valid login.

My reasons for asking are;

I added myself to passdb.tdb with my passwd.
I added the 'nobody' user to passdb.tdb with no passwd.
I then logged in to an XP host which has a user account for me, but no passwd. I couldn't browse the workgroup, but could log on to the samba host directly via UNC. E.g. \\<samba-host> with user:'nobody' - pass: <empty>

Only problem with that is that a home dir appeared for 'nobody' which happened to be the '/' (root) dir. NOT good!

Surely, it shouldn't do that?

So then I tried with 'guest account = guest'
Deleted the 'nobody' user from passdb.tdb
I created a /home/guest dir and added and enabled 'guest' to the passdb.tdb.

This then lets me only log on to the [public] share. However, if I click the 'Up' button on the XP host's file manager (Explorer), I can get back up to the root of the host directly (i.e. \\<samba-host> ) and suddenly see both the [public] share and the guest home dir.

If there are 'guest ok = Yes' defined shares, then I would expect to still be able to browse the workgroup and see available shares on the samba host, albeit only those 'guest ok' defined shares. And I certainly wouldn't expect to see any home dir for a limited user.

Using the following setup;

       workgroup = HOME
       server string =
       domain master = Yes
       interfaces = lo, eth1
       bind interfaces only = Yes
       os level = 95
       security = user
       passdb backend = tdbsam
       guest account = guest
       unix password sync = Yes
       passwd program = /usr/bin/userpasswd %u
       passwd chat = *password:* %n\n *password:* %n\n *successfully.*
       restrict anonymous = 2

       valid users = %S
       read only = No
       browseable = No

       comment = Public Shared
       path = /home/shares/pub
       read only = No
       guest ok = Yes

Kind Regards


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