Dear TIA,

I also have tried to do this with Windows98 & windowsXP.
see the thread "[Samba] newbie question/authenticate" from Nov. 30th.

I was looking for a simple way, so that students did not have to log-on to the computers.

Here is what I have found out so far, (and I would appreciate your follow up if you get this to work in windows98):


I have only been very successful with Samba 3.2.6.
Windows98se does not have a /user: option, so this does not work with Win98se. Help? I have setup username/password accounts in Linux and also the same username/password using smbpasswd. (can anyone tell me if webmin or swat can do this in one step, or do I need my own script to do this?)

If the users are log-in, with the same username and password, they can access the <students> directory without the need of my script. If they are not log-into Windows XP, then I created a script (with help from others on the list,

        workgroup = XXXX
        interfaces =
        bind interfaces only = Yes
        security = SHARE
        map to guest = Bad User
        log level = 2
        smb ports = 139
        printcap name = /etc/printcap
        mangling method = hash
        os level = 255
        preferred master = Yes
        case sensitive = No
        mangled names = No

        comment = Work area files
        path = /students/%U
        read only = No

        comment = Master work area files
        path = /students
        valid users = teacher
        read only = No

I then created three batch files,

@echo off
set/p Username=Enter your Username:
rem disconnects "s:" incase a user forgot to logoff
net use s: /delete /y
rem the net use with a "*" password will prompt for a password
net use s: \\test203\students /USER:%Username% * /persistent:no
dir s:
rem the last pause will allow us to see any error messages incase of errors

This batch allows me the teacher to have access to all of the students work

@echo off
set/p Username=Enter your Username:
rem disconnects "s:" incase a user forgot to logoff
net use s: /delete /y
rem the net use with a "*" password will prompt for a password
net use s: \\test203\teacher /USER:%Username% * /persistent:no
dir s:
rem the last pause will allow us to see any error messages incase of errors

@echo off
rem disconnects "s:" incase a user forgot to logoff
net use s: /delete /y
dir s:
rem the last pause will allow us to see any error messages incase of errors

Now if there was a real easy way to get this to work with win98se. Please let me know.
I have not tried this yet in the entire class.  Over break I will.

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