Thanks for reply on 1. I have no very strong feelings on points 3) to 5)
but have to come back on 2).

A few years ago James W. McAllister, a Scottish philosopher at the time
working at Leiden University, wrote a book called "Beauty and Revolution
in Science". He noted that scientists in choosing between competing
theories are also guided by aesthetic criteria.

Beauty and elegance are not infallible guides to the perfect algorithm
but such considerations have occasionally stopped me from going astray.

The renaming activities around backends, name concatenation in the front
end together with a proliferation of generated stub files is neither
beautiful nor elegant.

I hope you will take some time to try and understand why Linux and
nearly all modules so heavily use the approach you deprecate. That
something works should not be an argument to reject something that may
work better.

Enno Fennema

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