
Henning Meier-Geinitz <henn...@meier-geinitz.de> wrote:
> Proposal:
> 4.3.16 sane_verbose_error
> This function returns a verbose description of the latest error. The
> returned string consists of one or more complete sentences. It is the
> responsibility of the frontend to break the string into
> managable-length lines. Newline characters in this string should be
> interpreted as paragraph breaks. The function is guaranteed to never
> return NULL. The returned pointer is valid at least until the next
> call to this function is performed.
> SANE_String_Const sane_verbose_error(Sane_Handle h)

I like this, and it's pretty much what I was looking for.  I only have
one criticism from a backend writing point of view: What happens if the
only return has been SANE_STATUS_GOOD?  Maybe just:

This function returns a verbose description of the latest error, or an
empty string if no error has occured.


Otherwise, perfect!

- Matthew

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