Thank you, everyone!

You guys are an awesome community. Special thanks to Stef and Paul. The scanner is up and running. It was those libsane.s files. Somehow I missed the info about searching them all down and removing them. So, after fixing some permission issues (sane and xsane) it looks pretty good. Stef, what is the maximum resolution you have successfully scanned in? I tried with 4800 as a test and xsane locked up. It could be my weak office computer, however.

Thanks again for all the help.


On 03/11/2015 09:05 PM, Stef wrote:
On 10/03/2015 21:51, Stef wrote:
On 10/03/2015 09:26, Rafe DiDomenico wrote:

Thanks again, all, for trying to help me with this.

I started fresh with sane by uninstalling the packages and cleaning out
the sane locations in /usr/lib and /etc. I can confirm that the backend
is 1.0.25git. I checked the genesys.conf and the LIDE 220 is there. I
also made an entry for the udev rules for it to match the product ID.

I am attaching a log gathered while root. Without still
shows some permission problems I haven't straightened out yet, but the end result is no different with

    The log show that the executed version is 1.0.24:

[sanei_debug] Setting debug level of genesys to 255.
[genesys] SANE Genesys backend version 1.0 build 2411 from sane-backends 1.0.24
[genesys] SANE Genesys backend built with libusb-1.0
[genesys] sane_init: authorize != null

    I think you still have an installation problem.



I see that you have already searched for libsane.s* files, have you removed them all, then reinstalled ?
Is your scanimage statically linked ?


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