
On Wed, Jan 03, 2024 at 05:26:13PM -0700, Bob Proulx wrote:
> > +if ($project->CanUse("homepage") && $project->CanUse("git")) {
> That's an insufficient combination.  Many current projects already use
> git for their source code and many of them won't want to change their
> web page version control at this time.  But having this control logic
> would force them to make a web page version control change.

Indeed, the introduced controls aren't very well thought out.

> There are only three magic numbers.  Zero, One, and Many.  If we are
> moving past One then we should set up for the Many case.  I think we
> should set up an enumeration of possible version control systems to
> include the current CVS and the new incoming GIT.  Let's not include
> any more unless more are needed but it allows expansion to more in
> the future.  It would allow an SVN project to be set up for SVN for
> web pages as well.  And the same for HG.  And so on.  But let's focus
> on just the two CVS and GIT for the moment in order to keep things
> manageable initially.
> This will require altering the schema of the database to include the
> new data fields.  And of course new code to interact with those
> fields.  I think you will need to ask for help in doing those parts of
> the task.  That's going to be expected.

I don't think any change in database tables is needed or desirable;
the feature may be implemented without that.

Ayushman made a good point when mentioned that this task includes
frontend and backend parts. as I understand it, the backend parts

* the programs and their configurations that update the pages
  from the repositories to www.{,non}gnu.org, and
* the VCS servers and their setup.

Savannah volunteers traditionally have little access to that setup
and almost zero knowledge of it, therefore it has to be done by FSF
people, and I believe an important aspect here is making the VCS
servers work flawlessly: even before the task is complete, the users
will benefit from the stable operation; so it would be nice
to address the issues raised in

On the other hand, Savannah volunteers have decades of expertise
in the frontend part, and spending FSF people's scarce labor on that
work would be next to counter-productive.

> Let me applaud you for getting the standalone setup up and running!
> That's really good!  That's better than a lot of people have been able
> to do recently.  Good job!


> Since you have recently done this I think the best thing to do next is
> to get the documentation updated which covers this part of the task.

As far as I can tell, it isn't outdated, though.

By the way, relatively recent changes in the development branch
considerably simplify the process, to the degree that I'd like
to migrate the installation on frontend2 to the new workflow
before we switch to it (I hope to do that after the fundraiser

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