Dear Sir / Madam

Re: Business Opportunities in the Reconstruction of Iraq

They say that the reconstruction of Iraq is the biggest nation building exercise since the Second World War. The estimates that are currently being floated for the reconstruction of Iraq range between US$160 billion and US$ 1 trillon. What ever the answer is the amount will be such that it is a market that cannot be ignored. 

With the cessation of hostilities having been realized, many companies are wondering how can they capitalize on the opportunities that are abound, who and how do they market to those involved in the construction process.

Direction Iraq is offering a unique single point on-line database of companies that can offer the services, materials, equipment and resources required in the reconstruction of Iraq. The service is based on a subscription service and subscribers will receive an electronic copy of the directory.

The Direction Iraq team have traveled to both United States, Kuwait, Jordan and Iraq and have spoken to a large number of the decision makers in reconstruction activities. Accordingly we have been able to identify the various organizations and individuals that a database of such suppliers should be targeted, the Direction Iraq directory will be circulated to those organizations accordingly.

These organizations will include Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance , various Iraqi ministries, various embassies and consultants, US Prime contractors involved in the reconstruction of Iraq, NGO's and relevant United Nation Agencies.

You may be asking why will an online database work? The answer is simple with the enormity of the task ahead for the various companies and the ground they have to cover, they will be constantly on the move and have neither the space or the inclination to carry around with them paper directories they want to carry all references in their laptops or access reference sources via the internet.

Why wait any longer subscribe to day by visiting and register now.

Yours Faithfully



Direction Iraq

Tel:                                +971 (0)4 3197805

eFax:                             +44 (0)870 4582619

Email :                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]




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