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Ingo Koehne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: xpcomp - bash programmable completion he
System name: xpcomp
Type: non-GNU

Xpcomp - bash programmable completion helper

Xpcomp is a set of bash builtins (on top of the bash programmable completion)
that make programming completions easier.  For commands that follow common
command line syntax (most of them do), the completion specification is done
for each command option separately.  Completion of option names and arguments
is then done by xpcomp.  The completion database can be written to binary
cache files, which can be memory mapped in order to make use of the completion
specifications therein, so large databases can be shared.

Some completion script snippets come with this distribution, see
INSTALL for how to use them.

Other Software Required:
bash (>=2.05b)

Other Comments:

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