A package was submitted to savannah.nongnu.org
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Stuart Longland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: Atomic Linux
System name: atomiclinux
Type: non-GNU

AtomicLinux (or Atomix) is a highly-customised GNU/Linux distribution aimed at end 
users with skills ranging from the computer illiterate to the computer expert.
It aims to implement the upcomming Linux 2.6 kernel and include some of the common 
drivers from nVidia, ATi and other companies (depending on licencing -- not sure if 
these are 'free software' or not) along with some of the lesser known systems such as 
the Zero-Install <http://zero-install.sf.net/> package management system.
Discussions of porting the 'ports' from FreeBSD has also be discussed and may be 
attempted by this project, with the aim of extending it to allow building from source 
or installing a prebuilt binary.
It'll be a minimalist GNU/Linux distribution, including the basic KDE & Gnome 
desktops, a few lightweight window managers & desktops, Mozilla, some instant 
messenger clients (Gaim, EB-Lite, Ayttm, etc), IRC clients (XChat, BitchX, KSirc, 
etc), OpenOffice, and other packages that would be useful for the home user.
It also aims to seemlessly roam between multiple networks, whether they be dynamically 
configured via DHCP/BOOTP/RARP or statically.
At this stage, there is no source code as yet, although it is likely that AtomicLinux 
will be based on Linux From Scratch <http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/>.

Other Software Required:
Typical base system packages: 
KDE, Gnome, OpenOffice, anything else we include.

Other Comments:

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