Support Request #102343, was updated on Sat 08/09/2003 at 22:22
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Category: Web
Status: Open
Priority: 5
Summary: Request wiki for (all?) projects

By: bescoto
Date: Sat 08/09/2003 at 22:22
Logged In: YES 
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.5a) Gecko/20030801 Mozilla 

Hi, I think it would be a good idea if Savannah
provided wiki services for its projects.  If it does
already, I would like to request them for my projects,
rdiff-backup and duplicity.  But it looks like it
doesn't so I'll make a short pitch below.

You are probably thinking that this is a frivolous
feature.  I believe, however, that it could be very
important.  Free software can be surprisingly
successful by accumulating the small efforts of many
individuals.  A system like CVS does this for program
code, and has become an indispensible part of modern

CVS may be great for developers writing code, but is
often too cumbersome for users.  These users can often
be very good at writing documentation (better than the
developers in fact, who may know the code "too well")
but be turned off by the complicated CVS method.

Offering a wiki (or by default making project home
pages wikis) could in principle do for free software
documentation what public CVS did for free software
code.  In some cases documentation can be as important
as code, so the possibilities here shouldn't be
underestimated or brushed aside.

There are many wiki's, one popular and capable one is
phpwiki at
Finally, sourceforge already offers wiki's to its
projects, see

Thanks for any consideration.  Regardless of what you
decide, thanks very much for hosting my projects, you
guys do a great job.

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