I finally got all the pieces together and tried to create an arch
repository on Savannah.

What did I find?  I could not.  The error looked suspiciously similar to
one I'd seen before, one I had helped fix.

I logged in and took a look at the sshd config file. As I suspected.

Somehow, Savannah switched back to a version of the configuration file
that doesn't work.

Can someone please restore it to a working version.  I didn't expect a
lot from Savannah, because I know you admins are hard working and have
limited time because you are volunteers.

But I have ship dates to meet, or my project will lose credibility.  A
lot of people have been contributing to Xouvert, and the success of the
project reflects directly on them.

It is important that Savannah support sftp access.

The way Savannah is set up right now, chroot access for sftp is NOT

Someone switched the sshd configuration to use the so-called "chroot"
version of the sftp subsystem.  This does not work, it has never worked,
and it CANNOT work.  Any project that wants to have an arch repository
needs it to work, including my project.

sftp has never yet been compromised, and the version of ssh on Savannah
is up to date.  The directory permissions are set correctly.  What is to
worry about?  Noone is able to access anything with sftp they cannot
ALREADY access with ssh.

Please, reenable the proper, working sftp subsystem.  It won't
compromise system security, but what you currently have does compromise
system usability.  I have software to ship.

I hope this can be resolved amicably and swiftly.

Jonathan Walther
Xouvert Project Coordinator


It's not true unless it makes you laugh, but you don't understand it until it makes you weep.


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