Follow-up Comment #8, sr #110591 (project administration):

Background: Earlier git created sample hook scripts in place and included this

# To enable this hook, make this file executable.

Which is to say that there will be a lot of these that are just original files
from when the repository was created.  In addition to the custom modifications
such as the commit diff email notifications that we have
added, and sometimes removed, from there.

I think there are two main options to resolve the current issue globally.  1)
Update the config files, all 4643 of them, to disable this "hint:" from being
emitted.  And 2) Rename the sample hook scripts from the in-place naming of
the earlier versions of git to the new git practice of naming them

Somewhat ironically there is no version history for the git repository config
and hook scripts.  Therefore having file timestamps showing when the file was
last modified is the only clue left and extremely useful.  I would like to
preserve that tiny clue.  That pushes me to the second option of renaming
hooks to .sample like git creates now for new repositories.  That avoids the
need to touch any dates anywhere.  And the renamed files will of course
maintain their previous timestamps too.  Since none of these have version
history this leaves as much debug trail as can exist for them.

It's the same number of directories as config file.  But one doesn't do this
by hand so it's just machine time either way.  I'll script something up to fix
these en masse.


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