Follow-up Comment #1, sr #110593 (project administration):

I will work on the points raised in this ticket incrementally.

As to the Copyright year...  I have no idea.  I will need to figure it
out.  I know that there is both /opt/savannah/savane/* and
/etc/savane/content/* and what you say seems reasonable to me.

As for the uncommited changes...  I had installed the fundraising
banner again this year.  But I had neglected to commit them.  I have
done so now and pushed through through and pulled them back to the web
frontend.  The sandbox is now clean there.  That also pulled in the
most recent changes from Ineiev.  That should address your concern
there but of course is unrelated to the copyright year problem.

As to the system hostnames...  At the root level it is because we have
too many things in the baskets and can't lift them anymore.  Things
are too complicated to upgrade in place and have everything work
within a reasonable time such as a day.  For just git and nothing else
I upgraded it on the 24th and here it is the 1st and new problems were
discovered and still working through it.  We can only do it
incrementally one component at a time.  Or at least I can only do it
incrementally one component at a time.  That means setting up new VMs
to work through the problems of new versions of things.  Which
requires a different hostname than the previous one.

Each are a little unique.  Can only review through them one at a time.

Re mgt: We can set up an alias for mgt to point to the manage node
lilypad system to hop onto first.  Then keep that pointing to the
currently active system.  That's pretty straight forward.  On the
first migration that wasn't possible because the mgt name was already
in use by the previous system.  Someone had confused a role name with
a hostname.  But that one is now gone and the name is available for
this purpose now.  So that's okay.  Done.

Re frontend: The frontend web UI system actually gets the base
"savannah" name.  Or the full domain "" name.  So just
use it.  (mgt: "ssh savannah".)

Originally it had the same problem that the mgt name had that frontend
was already in use so could not be set as an alias.  But it is also
free now so that's an okay name to use as an alias too.  Done.  But
note that at this moment we have this.

frontend1 -- currently active production system
frontend2 -- next system coming online not yet ready

For the vcs systems one can always use the service name to connect.
That is "ssh git" to find the git server, "ssh svn" to find the svn
server, "ssh cvs" to find the cvs server, and so on for hg and bzr
too.  That's probably best because those are the public names for the
public API and those have to maintain a stable ssh host key across

Now that these names are available I'll add these aliases to make the
associated active servers easier to find.

mgt       CNAME
frontend  CNAME
internal  CNAME
nfs       CNAME

Unless Ineiev jumps in and beats me to it I will look at the copyright
year problem as soon as I get the time to do it.


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