Hello Karl, hello Assaf,
give me  another couple of days until the end of June please.

A short sumup:
I have currently to deal with a real odd story, originally caused
actually by my commitment to OpenSource in particular following in
2008 due to the published prototype of the first multi vendor
CloudManagement system 'UnifiedSessionsManager' written in
bash/awk(>110.000LOC) with little Python(1500LOC). Because I provided
this with GPL3 license, some customers even joked about this while
trying to make their fortune.

>From than on I could not get rid of agencies in particular trying to
make their fortune at my cost while tring to bully me from the market.
Currently mainly Swiss, GB and Germany based companies. It works based
on bullying with specialized commercial networks e.g for procurement
and staff sourceing, this is actually not an illusion.

I spare the details for now, but it is a real unbelievable story which
I am going to proove by the now upcoming law case. In addition I am
going to publicly disclose these openly and completely - without any

Therefore I extended the open source license in self defence by
constraints for fairplay enforcement. I am going to discuss a solution
at the FSF quite soon, when the first release of the bash extension is
once published. Currently I am finalizing the bash extension for
public release.

The intention of the project is to provide a multiplatform interface
targeted to be ahead(of PowerScript) also on Windows(>10), but
available on Cygwin, Linux, BSD, Unix, and MacOS too.

BUT  I am considering the strategy and eventually going to switch
immediately to GPL in order to promote this project more widely from
the first day on.

Anyhow, for me this is now actually a question of surviving in
justice, or beeing ultimately consequent.

So let the pending state please open for another short while for being
able to finish the upload immediately when the decision is to promote
by GPL and therefore required. I have to make the decision within the
next days, eventually next few weeks this month anyhow.

Kind regards

Am 22.05.2016 um 02:19 schrieb Assaf Gordon:
> Follow-up Comment #3, task #13965 (project administration):
> Hello,
> Are you still interested in the submission of project 'bash-core', and the
> related 'bash-*' projects ?
> If within two weeks there is no reply, this submission request will be closed.
> You will still be able to register the project again once you have the time to
> deal with the registration issues.
> regards,
>  - assaf
>     _______________________________________________________
> Reply to this item at:
>   <http://savannah.gnu.org/task/?13965>
> _______________________________________________
>   Message sent via/by Savannah
>   http://savannah.gnu.org/

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