Follow-up Comment #6, task #14088 (project administration):

Davin, will reply here to keep things in one place to the greatest extent
possible.  Will put a pointer to here in the other project.

I still don't understand why two Savannah projects have been opened: task
#14088 (this one) and task #14096.  Please explain; without knowing why two
projects are needed, it seems like approving both of them (or even either one)
will just cause confusion and store up problems.  If only one project is
needed and/or the submission was duplicated in error, please let me know.

Please use the comments facility here to discuss these submissions.

I can see that the .el files in dlisp/ mostly now have copyright notices.  But
from a quick look I can see files that don't, including but not necessarily
limited to: APerson.jtw, Makefile, assoc-old.el, b.js, b.php, z.php.  Such
files need to be reviewed and either removed or have appropriate copyright
notices applied.

Can you please thoroughly review the above.

Best wishes



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