Follow-up Comment #4, task #16067 (project administration):

Ineiev writes:

Hello Ineiev,

> [comment #2 comment #2:]
>> > test/all/livelock_synchronous/baseline/simulate/livelock_synchronous
>> > ideally,
>> > they should additionally contain copyright and license notices.
>> Right.  These baselines are generated and diffed against the output:
>> a header would be very inconvenient and there is not much to
>> copyright either.
> I believe they are copyrightable, and I'm not convinced headers
> are really inconvenient---no more than it's inconvenient to follow
> the GPL or to call the operating system "GNU/Linux".

"Inconvenient" was really the wrong term to use.  I should have said
something like: "generated and machine-readable".  Sorry fo the

> These are text files, the copyright and license notices should be
> included in them.

Eh no -- this does not make any sense to me.  My fault for setting you
off on the wrong foot, sorry.

The baseline files are generated, like so

    ./pre-inst-env dzn -v verify test/all/Alarm/Alarm.dzn \
       > test/all/Alarm/baseline/verify/Alarm \
       2> test/all/Alarm/baseline/verify/Alarm.stderr

the regression test then DIFFs the output, like so:

    diff -u test/all/Alarm/baseline/verify/Alarm \
     <(./pre-inst-env dzn -v verify test/all/Alarm/Alarm.dzn)

The input trace files are generated by dzn verify, e.g.

    ./pre-inst-env dzn verify test/all/Alarm/Alarm.dzn \
      > test/all/Alarm/trace

and are also machine readable, both this

    ./pre-inst-env dzn verify test/all/Alarm/Alarm.dzn \
      | ./pre-inst-env dzn simutale test/all/Alarm/Alarm.dzn

and this

    cat test/all/Alarm/trace
      | ./pre-inst-env dzn simutale test/all/Alarm/Alarm.dzn

are valid commands.

Of course, before applying patches they should be properly reviewed!  We
use a very strict layout for test/all/*, as every directory is processed
in a generic way by the regression test framework.  I am convinced that
anything out of the ordinary should be easily spotted.

>> > Then, the LGPLv3 is written as additional permissions for GPLv3; if you
> use
>> > it, you
>> > should also include a copy of GPLv3, your tarball misses it.
>> Ah sure; another oversight: COPYING.LESSER is in the git archive, I've
>> added it to the distribution.
> Err...
> The LGPLv3 is written as additional permissions for GPLv3;
> if you use it, you should also include a copy of GPLv3,
> your tarball misses it.

Oops, I misread your remark; I thought it was COPYING.LESSER that was
missing...  It makes much sense to me now, I just never distributed
anything using the LGPL before.  I have included a COPYING.GPL file in
the archive and in the distribution too.

Thanks!  Greetings,

(file #52236)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: dezyne-2.14.0.rc2.2-d39ba7.tar.gz Size:1414 KB


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