Follow-up Comment #5, task #16067 (project administration):

[comment #4 comment #4:]
> "Inconvenient" was really the wrong term to use.  I should have said
> something like: "generated and machine-readable".  Sorry fo the
> confusion!

I'm not sure I restore the whole intended sentence correctly, then.

> The baseline files are generated, like so
>     ./pre-inst-env dzn -v verify test/all/Alarm/Alarm.dzn \
>        > test/all/Alarm/baseline/verify/Alarm \
>        2> test/all/Alarm/baseline/verify/Alarm.stderr

That doesn't make them uncopyrightable: if I generate an ASCII art file from a
bronze statue, the result will be a derived work and inherit the copyright of
the original picture; the fact that it's machine-readable mustn't
matter---after all, any file is machine-readable (did you mean something


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