Hello Ahser, and welcome to Savannah.

On Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 6:55 AM Asher Gordon <asd...@protonmail.ch> wrote:
> I'm very new to Savannah, and I recently added a new project, c2py 
> https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/c2py. I'm trying to upload a release 
> tarball to the Download Area, but it is not working. The "Download Area" link 
> on the project page links to https://savannah.nongnu.org/files/?group=c2py 
> which redirects to https://download.savannah.nongnu.org/releases/c2py/ but 
> that page is a 404.

If you go up a directory, you can see a list of projects that have
folders, and c2py isn't on the list. It looks like you need to make
that folder first, or ask a Savannah admin to do it for you.

>   scp c2py-0.0.1rc5.tar.gz{,.sig} asd...@dl.sv.nongnu.org:/releases/c2py/
>   Enter passphrase for key '/home/asher/.ssh/id_rsa':
>   scp: /releases/c2py/: No such file or directory

The fact that you are getting the latter message means that everything
is correctly set up with your SSH keys. Otherwise, the error would be
something like "authentication failed".

>From reading the scp documentation, it looks like you cannot copy
files into a directory that doesn't exist. However, you can copy an
entire directory over if it exists locally. Try to make a local folder
named "c2py", put the files that you want copied over into that
folder, and try the command:

scp c2py asd...@dl.sv.nongnu.org:/releases/c2py


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