> I am getting pretty close to having the mirror problem understood. At
> the moment my brains are leaking out my ears from trying to get my
> mind wrapped around it.

Sounds painful! ;-)

I am now having problems with sftp and sshfs. See below:
  $ mkdir mnt
  $ sshfs asd...@dl.sv.nongnu.org:/releases/c2py mnt
  Enter passphrase for key '/home/asher/.ssh/id_rsa':
  remote host has disconnected
  $ sftp asd...@dl.sv.nongnu.org:/releases/c2py
  Enter passphrase for key '/home/asher/.ssh/id_rsa':
  Connection closed
(scp still works fine)

Are these also related to the same bug? It would be nice to use sshfs because I 
could easily manage the directory as if it were local.

Also, rsync works if I do not use `-a'. However, if I do use `-a', it gets 
stuck at "sending incremental file list" (you need `-v' to see the message). 
Hopefully this information will help you fix the bug(s).

Thank you very much for your great work on Savannah!


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