Le Thursday 07 February 2008 13:33:31 Lars Mai, vous avez écrit :
> Hello,

        Hi !

> I'm having some difficulties running the LiquidSoap examples from the
> wiki pages, I constantly get the error "Empty Token"
> Example:
> $ liquidsoap --version
> Liquidsoap 0.3.6.
> <snip>
> $ liquidsoap 'output.icecast.vorbis(host = "example.com", port = 8000,
> password = "pass", mount = "liq.ogg", mksafe(playlist("day.pls")))'
> Line 1, char 62: Empty token

Strange, this works for me.
I would suspect a bad install: liquidsoap usually includes a set of functions 
defined in the langage, like mksafe for instance..

You can try that command, which will not use this inclusion:
  liquidsoap --no-pervasives 'output.icecast.vorbis(host = "example.com", port 
= 8000,password = "pass", mount = "liq.ogg", playlist.safe("day.pls"))'

If this is working, then you might check your install..
The silently included files are usually in:

How did you install liquidsoap ?


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