I don't think you can get anything precise from icecast. Still
imprecise, you can play with harbor's buffer:
input.harbor(buffer=80.,...). A little less should be better actually,
since other buffers come into play in the pipeline, before and after

It's funny that you broadcast audio and video in such independant
ways. Which tools do you use for video, don't they handle audio as
well ? For better synchronization, you should wait for liquidsoap to
support video :) or try to play with some voip technology interacting
with liquidsoap via Jack (or RTP..) ?

By the way, I stumbled on a fun project on the web:
The guys have a radio, notably using liquidsoap, with a proper studio
(they actually use the same cheap Behringer hardware as I recently
bought) and they use voip software, probably to chat with their
listeners. Also noticeable, the guy uses different compressions per
spectrum-band. I'm wondering if we know the guy under a nickname..

PS regarding normalize vs. replay-gain: normalize, although imperfect,
is still the only solution for adjusting the level of a continuously
input stream -- as opposed to a file.

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