Greetings all,

FYI, I have moved the site and SC-L mailing list over to a
different host.  The new host should be quite a bit faster, as it's used by a
much (!) smaller number of domains than the old one.

More importantly, at least for SC-L, is that I've changed the mailing list
manager from Majordomo to Mailman.  That means that the user interface for
subscribing, unsubscribing, digest vs. normal, etc., is now completely
different.  Additionally, Mailman automatically handles archiving of the
list, so the list traffic (from now on) will be nicely archived for easy
viewing and such.

For any and all subscription changes, just point your browsers to and you'll see a link to the Mailman page.
For those so inclined, it should now be easier for you to change between
digest and non-digest format for the list.  Mailman makes that quite easy for
users.  Please try to follow the instructions on the Mailman page.  If that
doesn't work, contact me and I'll be happy to make the change for you.

Lastly, I did a bit of testing of Mailman before doing the cutover, but I'm by
no means a Mailman expert (yet).  I _hope_ that all goes smoothly, but I ask
you all to be patient if there are any unexpected burps and such.

Thanks for your patience.


Ken van Wyk
KRvW Associates, LLC

Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)

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