There is a lot of USA firm coding done outside our shores.  Thus the 
attitude you are reporting impacts the software I am buying both for my 
desktop as well as the upcoming cloud applications.

This is the part that concerns me.  As a consumer of code when it's in 
my possession I am then able to do what I can to augment the security of 
it.  When it's in the cloud, I'm depending on the vendor of the cloud to 
have thought about security .

We need to get to the place where you can come back in a few years and 
say that the culture has changed.

IMHO don't apologize.  It shows that we still need to get 
consumers/buyers of code to care that Developers are taught to care.

We have work to do.

Stephen Craig Evans wrote:
> Hi Gunnar,
> I apologize to everybody if I have come across as being harsh.
> >From my 8 years of experience of living in Asia and being actively
> involved as a developer and working with developers (at Microsoft as
> its first .NET Regional Developer Evangelist in 2001 to recently at
> Symantec as the first Secure Application Services consultant for
> APAC), IMO there's a big gap between the maturity of software security
> here vs. Europe vs. West Coast USA vs. East Coast USA.
> The culture is different and even in the situation that a software
> developer cared and wanted to implement software security, in many
> countries they could get in a lot of trouble for upstaging their boss
> and making him or her "lose face".
> The responsibility of secure software is not at the developer level in
> most cases, which is why I've spoken at regional IASA events
> (, with overwhelming positive responses, and will
> continue to try to reach the decision makers (as an OWASP
> representative) because trying to engage developers directly at this
> point in time at the maturity level of software security in APAC is
> not the most effective way to go about it. I'm sure, though, that at
> financial institutions they get it, but almost all of my clients are
> government and media/communications companies.
> Also, sorry to everybody for taking this thread off-topic.
> Stephen
> On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 2:24 AM, Gunnar Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> stephen
>> i spend at least half my time working directly with developers.
>> for some reason i have not communicated as well as i should to you, what i
>> am saying is that the job is too hard for developers *because* the security
>> industry has let them down by sending them on a fool's errand of least
>> privilege.
>> the problem or target in your words IS with security people NOT developers.
>> they have other problems just not an endless quixotic quest for least
>> privilege. i am not repeat not throwing developers under the bus in this
>> argument.
>> i am ready, willing and possibly able to be proven wrong on this point and
>> maybe there is a cost effective way to deploy least privilege in the real
>> world just want to make sure that i communicate my argument.
>> -gunnar
>> (who is now letting go)
>> On Nov 25, 2008, at 12:07 PM, Stephen Craig Evans wrote:
>>> I can't let this go.
>>> Gary, you are self-professed working with financial institutions and
>>> high-end customers.
>>> Gunnar, you are the same, at least what I gather from your Silver
>>> Bullet podcast when talking about the difference between SOA (top
>>> down) and Web 2.0 (bottom up).
>>> No flame war intended, but a healthy discussion should be in order.
>>> So please don't talk about "developers" as targets. They/we are the
>>> lowest on the totem pole. Direct your arrows at the people that you
>>> deal with. Plain and simple.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Stephen
>>> On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 1:48 AM, Gunnar Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> wrote:
>>>> look, i am a consultant. i work in lots of different companies. lots of
>>>> different projects. i don't see these distinctions in black and white.
>>>> sometimes the cto and managers are best positioned to help companies
>>>> develop
>>>> more secure software, sometimes architects, sometimes auditors, and many
>>>> many times in my experience developers are best positioned.
>>>> but i really, truly do not care who does it. my only goal is more
>>>> effective
>>>> security mechanisms and some pragmatic roadmap to get there. we are in
>>>> the
>>>> infancy of this industry (think automotive safety circa 1942, all seat
>>>> belts
>>>> and brakes), we are in no position to turn away help from anyone who can
>>>> help. every company and every project is different, if your organization
>>>> is
>>>> set up so that developers are not empowered, but managers and CTOs are
>>>> then
>>>> by all means work with them.
>>>> but actually the main point of my post and the one i would like to hear
>>>> people's thoughts on - is to say that attempting to apply principle of
>>>> least
>>>> privilege in the real world often leads to drilling dry wells. i am not
>>>> blaming any group in particular i am saying i think it is in the "too
>>>> hard"
>>>> pile for now and we as software security people should not be advocating
>>>> for
>>>> it until or unless we can find cost effective ways to implement it.
>>>> -gunnar
>>>> On Nov 25, 2008, at 11:28 AM, Stephen Craig Evans wrote:
>>>>> It's a real cop-out for you guys, as titans in the industry, to go
>>>>> after developers. I'm disappointed in both of you. And Gary, you said
>>>>> "One of the main challenges is that developers have a hard time
>>>>> thinking about the principle of least privilege ".
>>>>> Developers are NEVER asked to think about the principle of least
>>>>> privilege. Or your world of software security must be very very very
>>>>> different from mine (and I think my world at least equals   yours but
>>>>> by about 2 billion people more, which might be irrelevant now but a
>>>>> little more relevant in the future :-)
>>>>> With the greatest, deepest respect to both of you,
>>>>> Stephen
>>>>> On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 1:01 AM, Stephen Craig Evans
>>>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>> Gunnar,
>>>>>> Developers have no power. You should be talking to the decision makers.
>>>>>> As an example, to instill the importance of software security, I talk
>>>>>> to decision makers: project managers, architects, CTOs (admittedly,
>>>>>> this is a blurred line - lots of folks call themselves architects). If
>>>>>> I go to talk about software security to developers, I know from
>>>>>> experience that I am probably wasting my time. Even if they do care,
>>>>>> they have no effect overall.
>>>>>> Your target and blame is wrong; that's all that I am saying.
>>>>>> Stephen
>>>>>> On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 12:48 AM, Gunnar Peterson
>>>>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>>> Sorry I didn't realize "developers" is an offensive ivory tower in
>>>>>>> other
>>>>>>> parts of the world, in my world its a compliment.
>>>>>>> -gunnar
>>>>>>> On Nov 25, 2008, at 10:30 AM, Stephen Craig Evans wrote:
>>>>>>>> HI,
>>>>>>>> "maybe the problem with least privilege is that it requires that
>>>>>>>> developers:..."
>>>>>>>> IMHO, your US/UK ivory towers don't exist in other parts of the
>>>>>>>> world.
>>>>>>>> Developers have no say in what they do. Nor, do they care about
>>>>>>>> software security and why should they care?
>>>>>>>> So, at least, change your nomenclature and not say "developers". It
>>>>>>>> offends me because you are putting the onus of knowing about software
>>>>>>>> security on the wrong people.
>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>> Stephen
>>>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 10:18 PM, Gunnar Peterson
>>>>>>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> maybe the problem with least privilege is that it requires that
>>>>>>>>> developers:
>>>>>>>>> 1. define the entire universe of subjects and objects
>>>>>>>>> 2. define all possible access rights
>>>>>>>>> 3. define all possible relationships
>>>>>>>>> 4. apply all settings
>>>>>>>>> 5. figure out how to keep 1-4 in synch all the time
>>>>>>>>> do all of this before you start writing code and oh and there are
>>>>>>>>> basically no tools that smooth the adoption of the above.
>>>>>>>>> i don't think us software security people are helping anybody out in
>>>>>>>>> 2008 by doing ritual incantations of a paper from the mid 70s that
>>>>>>>>> may
>>>>>>>>> or may not apply to modern computing and anyhow is riddled with
>>>>>>>>> ideas
>>>>>>>>> that have never been implemented in any large scale systems
>>>>>>>>> compare these two statements
>>>>>>>>> Statement 1. Saltzer and Schroeder:
>>>>>>>>> "f) Least privilege: Every program and every user of the system
>>>>>>>>> should
>>>>>>>>> operate using the least set of privileges necessary to complete the
>>>>>>>>> job. Primarily, this principle limits the damage that can result
>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>> an accident or error. It also reduces the number of potential
>>>>>>>>> interactions among privileged programs to the minimum for correct
>>>>>>>>> operation, so that unintentional, unwanted, or improper uses of
>>>>>>>>> privilege are less likely to occur. Thus, if a question arises
>>>>>>>>> related
>>>>>>>>> to misuse of a privilege, the number of programs that must be
>>>>>>>>> audited
>>>>>>>>> is minimized. Put another way, if a mechanism can provide
>>>>>>>>> "firewalls,"
>>>>>>>>> the principle of least privilege provides a rationale for where to
>>>>>>>>> install the firewalls. The military security rule of "need-to-know"
>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>> an example of this principle."
>>>>>>>>> Statement 2. David Gelernter's Manifesto:
>>>>>>>>> "28. Metaphors have a profound effect on computing: the file-cabinet
>>>>>>>>> metaphor traps us in a "passive" instead of "active" view of
>>>>>>>>> information management that is fundamentally wrong for computers.
>>>>>>>>> 29. The rigid file and directory system you are stuck with on your
>>>>>>>>> Mac
>>>>>>>>> or PC was designed by programmers for programmers — and is still a
>>>>>>>>> good system for programmers. It is no good for non-programmers. It
>>>>>>>>> never was, and was never intended to be.
>>>>>>>>> 30. If you have three pet dogs, give them names. If you have 10,000
>>>>>>>>> head of cattle, don't bother. Nowadays the idea of giving a name to
>>>>>>>>> every file on your computer is ridiculous."
>>>>>>>>> Conclusion(gp): Least Privilege is the point where the practical
>>>>>>>>> matter of applying Saltzer and Schroeder's principles breaks down in
>>>>>>>>> modern systems. Its a deployment issue, and a matter of insufficient
>>>>>>>>> models and modes.
>>>>>>>>> Remember the 1990s when there were all these search engines that
>>>>>>>>> required you tag up all the content and put it in hierarchical
>>>>>>>>> directories and so on? Well what happened? Google came along and ate
>>>>>>>>> their lunch. When the problem is information overload, telling
>>>>>>>>> everyone to go out and label everything is not gonna work.
>>>>>>>>> -gunnar
>>>>>>>>> On Nov 24, 2008, at 4:34 PM, Gary McGraw wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Sadly this non-adoption of privileged/managed code (filled with
>>>>>>>>>> blank stares) has been the case ever since the Java security days a
>>>>>>>>>> decade ago.  One of the main challenges is that developers have a
>>>>>>>>>> hard time thinking about the principle of least privilege and its
>>>>>>>>>> implications regarding the capabilities they should request.  Dinis
>>>>>>>>>> is brave to set such thinking as a target.  I've settled (after ten
>>>>>>>>>> years) with getting developers just to utter the word "security."
>>>>>>>>>> All together now..."security".
>>>>>>>>>> gem
>>>>>>>>>> company
>>>>>>>>>> podcast
>>>>>>>>>> blog
>>>>>>>>>> book
>>>>>>>>>> On 11/24/08 12:31 PM, "Mike Lyman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Dinis Cruz wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Don't get me wrong, this is a great document if one is interested
>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>> writing applications that use CAS (Code Access Security), I would
>>>>>>>>>>> love
>>>>>>>>>>> for this to be widely used.
>>>>>>>>>> When we recommended recommending CAS during a review of the U.S.
>>>>>>>>>> Defense
>>>>>>>>>> Information System Agency's new Application Security and
>>>>>>>>>> Development
>>>>>>>>>> Security Technical Implementation Guide earlier this year we were
>>>>>>>>>> met
>>>>>>>>>> with what amounted to blank stares. (At least it seemed like that
>>>>>>>>>> since
>>>>>>>>>> it was a phone conference.) Some on the call understood it and
>>>>>>>>>> agreed
>>>>>>>>>> with the recommendation but those hosting the call and doing the
>>>>>>>>>> writing
>>>>>>>>>> didn't seem to grasp it. It may be a while before we see too many
>>>>>>>>>> adopting this or requiring it for a while.
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Mike Lyman
>>>>>>>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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