On Jan 28, 2010, at 10:34 AM, Gary McGraw wrote:
> Among other things, David and I discussed the difference between descriptive 
> models like BSIMM and prescriptive models which purport to tell you what you 
> should do. 

Thought I'd chime in on this a bit, FWIW...  From my perspective, I welcome 
BSIMM and I welcome SAMM.  I don't see it in the least as a "one or the other" 

A decade(ish) since the first texts on various aspects of software security 
started appearing, it's great to have a BSIMM that surveys some of the largest 
software groups on the planet to see what they're doing.  What actually works.  
That's fabulously useful.  On the other hand, it is possible that ten thousand 
lemmings can be wrong.  Following the herd isn't always what's best.

SAMM, by contrast, was written by some bright, motivated folks, and provides us 
all with a set of targets to aspire to.  Some will work, and some won't, 
without a doubt.

To me, both models are useful as guide posts to help a software group--an SSG 
if you will--decide what practices will work best in their enterprise.

But as useful as both SAMM and BSIMM are, I think we're all fooling ourselves 
if we consider these to be standards or even maturity models.  Any other 
engineering discipline on the planet would laugh us all out of the room by the 
mere suggestion.  There's value to them, don't get me wrong.  But we're still 
in the larval mode of building an engineering discipline here folks.  After 
all, as a species, we didn't start (successfully) building bridges in a decade.

For now, my suggestion is to read up, try things that seem reasonable, and 
build a set of practices that work for _you_.  



Kenneth R. van Wyk
KRvW Associates, LLC

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