Charlie Savage, Pulitzer Prize winning, New York Times journalist,

and author, Power Wars: Inside Obama’s Post-9/11 Presidency, charliesavage.com 

Friday, December 4, 2015, 4 - 5.30 pm


MIT, Stata Center Room 32-155, 32 Vassar Street, Cambridge MA


Barack Obama campaigned on a promise of change from George W. Bush’s “global 
war on terror.”  Yet from drone strikes and indefinite detention to 
surveillance and military tribunals, Obama ended up continuing -- and in some 
cases expanding -- many policies he inherited.  What happened?

Based on confidential interviews with more than 150 current and former 
officials and access to previously unreported documents, Charlie Savage tells 
the inside story of how the Obama administration charted its path through 
ceaseless dilemmas -- including its decisions to keep the then-secret National 
Security Agency program that collected records of every American's phone calls, 
raid Osama bin Laden's compound in Pakistan, and bomb Libya.  Savage also 
pieces together the first comprehensive history of how American surveillance 
secretly developed over the past 35 years, synthesizing recent revelations and 
filling in gaps with new reporting.  charliesavage.com 
Moderator:  Deborah Hurley, Fellow, Institute for Quantitative Social Science, 
Harvard University, scholar.harvard.edu/deborah_hurley 
Discussants:  Kade Crockford, Director, Technology for Liberty Program, ACLU of 
Massachusetts, aclum.org/about/staff-advocates/kade-crockford 
<https://aclum.org/about/staff-advocates/kade-crockford>; Timothy Edgar, Senior 
Fellow, Watson Institute for International Studies and Public Affairs, Brown 
University, watson.brown.edu/people/fellow/edgar 
<http://watson.brown.edu/people/fellow/edgar>; and Susan Landau, Professor of 
Cybersecurity Policy, Worcester Polytechnic  Institute, privacyink.org 
Sponsor:  MIT Cryptography and Information Security Group, 
toc.csail.mit.edu/cis <http://toc.csail.mit.edu/cis>
Co-hosts:  Data Privacy Lab, Harvard University, dataprivacylab.org 
<http://www.dataprivacylab.org/>; Internet Policy Research Initiative, MIT, 
internetpolicy.mit.edu <https://internetpolicy.mit.edu/>; and Watson Institute 
for International and Public Affairs, Brown University, watson.brown.edu 
Contact:  Debbie Lehto, dle...@csail.mit.edu <mailto:dle...@csail.mit.edu>
http://toc.csail.mit.edu/node/428 <http://toc.csail.mit.edu/node/428>


Gus Zahariadis
Assistant to the Director
Program in Science, Technology, and Society

T: (617) 253-3452
F: (617) 258-8118

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