Lunch Discussion: The Modern History of Microbes
Funke Sangodeyi (ReD Associates) & Ben Wolfe 
<> (Tufts Biology) 

How do people perceive something they (generally) cannot see but know can have 
major impacts on their lives?  When did we start talking about "good germs"?  
With the rise of probiotics for both humans and agriculture, what is at stake 
in influencing public perceptions of microbes?  

Sophia Gordon Multipurpose Room, 12pm, Thursday Feb 4

Black Gay Men under the Corporate Anthropological Lens
�The Business of HIV and the Politics of Health�
Funke Sangodeyi (ReD Associates)

A critical look at an anthropological study commissioned by Big Pharma on the 
lives and healthcare ecologies of "black men who have sex with men" against the 
backdrop of skyrocketing HIV rates in Baltimore, Maryland and Jackson, 
Mississippi.  Dr. Sangodeyi asks how the setting � corporate, academic, 
activist, etc � shapes and informs a social inquiry.

Granoff Music Center 155, 5pm, Thursday Feb 4

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Gus Zahariadis
Assistant to the Director
Program in Science, Technology, and Society

T: (617) 253-3452
F: (617) 258-8118

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