Hi, all,

I hope you have enjoyed relaxing spring break. I wanted to let you know about a 
new, exciting online magazine, "Undark," which is now up and running. "Undark" 
is housed in MIT's Knight Science Journalism program (KSJ), part of MIT's STS 
Program. Deborah Blum, the director of the KSJ program, is the Publisher, and 
Tom Zeller, Jr., a recent KSJ alum (and formerly of the New York Times) is the 
editor. The online magazine is available here:


Deborah wrote a marvelous editorial to introduce Undark and its mission:


The magazine will have a big public launch in a few weeks, during the Cambridge 
Science Festival, but there's lots of great material already up and available 
-- including a lovely, brief essay by our colleague Alan Lightman:


and a timely, smart article by Anna Wexler, a PhD student in our HASTS program:


plus much more.

Congratulations to Deborah and her colleagues for this exciting new magazine, 
which helps extend the mission of KSJ and STS in a whole new dimension!


David Kaiser
Germeshausen Professor of the History of Science
and Professor of Physics
Department Head, Program in Science, Technology, & Society
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
617 253-4062   dikai...@mit.edu<mailto:dikai...@mit.edu>

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