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How to advance school reform . . .

  Nothing is more dangerous for an institution, or more exhilarating,
than rising expectations among the people it serves. Great
expectations are exactly what will greet the new stewards of the
Chicago Public Schools when they move their family photos into the
5th-floor offices at 125 S. Clark St. this summer.

Among the legacies left by outgoing schools chief Paul Vallas and
former board president Gery Chico is something that eluded the system
for far too long: hope. Time now for their successors to get beyond
hope, a feat that will demand a shift in focus to four key

    School success can be measured in many ways. Chicago has done so
largely by looking at test scores. Why? Because it is easy. Is it
meaningful? Only moderately. Any course correction has to focus more
on the total experience of teachers and children inside each

Mayor Richard Daley has picked his longtime loyalist Michael Scott to
succeed Chico; he hasn't yet named Vallas' successor. But whoever
ushers in the next wave of Chicago school reform should consider this
overarching agenda:

- Financial stability. When a large urban school system has its
financial health, it has . . . the start of everything. Keeping the
system's books in order, as Vallas and Chico did, is critical before
there's hope of classroom reform.

Past school regimes ricocheted from one financial crisis to another,
scrambling to plug deficits, pay for contracts or keep individual
schools open. With so many crises to respond to, who had time to
replace cracked windows, plant a garden outside a school or add a new
coat of paint? But even gestures as small as those suddenly get
students, neighbors, teachers, lawmakers and creditors thinking
differently about their schools, and that kind of buy-in is crucial.

This week the school board is expected to approve a budget that boasts
$350 million in cash reserves--enough to keep the system stable
through 2004. Though $2.6 billion has been spent in recent years
constructing and renovating schools, $1.5 billion in needed work
remains. Vallas and Chico have spent the last year figuring out a
complex but clever way to raise that money; Daley should let Vallas
finish the deal before he exits.

- Principals. Nothing is more important to a school's morale,
curriculum or caliber of teachers than its principal. Yet in Chicago,
as across the nation, there aren't enough excellent ones. A handful of
joint programs, such as one with Northwestern University, have shown
success at cultivating and training administrators. Chicago should
expand and mine these programs for every first-rate principal it can

Local School Councils, whose most important role is to hire
principals, need to be involved in this effort, too. They spent most
of the spring clamoring for more money and power, though without an
agenda for what they wanted to accomplish. Here's one idea: Intensify
training for LSC members to better recruit and evaluate principals.

- Teachers. Everybody remembers a favorite teacher; good ones change
children's lives. And yet once we hire teachers and place them in
schools we then abandon them--be they terrific, average or dismal. One
index-sized card that comes at the end of the school year constitutes
a major portion of the system's professional development program. On
it is one lonely check mark that indicates how well that teacher has
fared over the past year, from superior to inadequate.

Virtually no teachers receive inadequate, though those who deserve
that check mark populate plenty of classrooms. And even when they do
get low marks, the process of ousting mediocre or downright bad
teachers remains far too cumbersome, taking as long as 12 to 18
months. This needs to change.

There's good reason nearly a third of teachers leave the system within
their first five years. Inadequate pay is a factor, as is the quality
of the principal. Another is that Chicago teachers rarely receive
opportunities to grow professionally. Educators need better mentoring,
development and encouragement to seek national board certification, a
rigorous, yearlong process that leads to one of the nation's highest
teaching honors. The greatest need is in the high schools, where gains
in student achievement during elementary years seem to fade to distant

Promotions should depend not on how long a teacher has been employed
or what kind of degree she has, but on how well she teaches.
Evaluations should have consequences; anything else is a waste of
time. Extraordinary work should be rewarded with performance bonuses.

The system also needs to become far more determined to attract good
teachers. Five years ago, CPS hired 20 percent of its new teachers
from Chicago State University, an indication of its too-narrow
recruitment efforts. Today CPS has cut that reliance to about 6
percent, while upping the number of teachers hailing from more
rigorous Big Ten schools. The union should be a more involved partner
in this effort, and the hiring season should more aggressively begin
in winter and spring rather than a month before school opens.

- Lobbying. Daley has taken an armchair approach toward lobbying for
Chicago schools in Springfield and Washington. He doesn't mind
complaining about this or that from the comfort of his press
conference room, but when it comes to pushing hard for specific school
reform bills in Springfield, Daley has been virtually inaudible. When
Daley exerts himself, his pet measures--an $800 million expansion for
McCormick Place, a $587 million overhaul of Soldier Field--often win
fast legislative approval. Imagine the possibilities if Daley lobbied
that hard for bargain-basement items such as equitable teacher
pensions or better funding for charter schools.

For most of the last six years, Daley has presided over progress. Now
isn't the time to let a team of political minions preside placidly for
the next six over a system that has plateaued. This isn't a go-slow
venture. The futures of 435,000 children depend on how well Daley
carries their education forward at this critical point. The futures of
435,000 kids depend on how well Daley carries forward their education
at this critical point.


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