On Tue, 26 Feb 2013, Yasha Karant wrote:

My understanding is that if the machine is licensed for MS Windows, then
the release and version for which it is so licensed can legally be run
under VirtualBox (or the equivalent):  Linux as the host OS, VirtualBox,
and then a fresh install from media of the licensed MS Windows.  I do
however, in most cases, remove the original works formatted MS Windows
hard drive for the same purpose mentioned below.

Will VirtualBox run MS Win 8 assuming the eufi issue can be solved for
the host OS?

The choices are either turn "secure boot off" or run a os/bootloader that has a signature that uefi knows about(Microsoft). This assumes a uefi only i386/x86_64 motherboard. The uefi is more complicated but at least there is a way to turn off "secure boot".

Note that the Linux Foundation is sponsoring a effort to "create" a signed boot loader. I do not think that TUV is planning on using this .

No speak vmware.

-Connie Sieh
At present, I am running SL 6x with VirtualBox running MS Win 7 -- and
dread having to do to MS Win 8 and all of the eufi nonsense --
particularly if I get a new laptop.

Yasha Karant

On 02/26/2013 11:04 AM, Ken Teh wrote:
I never boot a new laptop into Windows.  I replace the original hard drive
with a new one and install Linux on it.  This way I can put the original
back in and never void my warranty.  You can then even sell it in its
"original" state.

Of course, this works only if you don't plan to use Windows.

I use a $500 Lenovo X120e netbook.

On 02/26/2013 11:26 AM, Scott_Gates wrote:
OK, If I needed a desktop, I'd just roll my own. Probably starting with

something bare-bones from TigerDirect.

I'm thinking of buying a new laptop, rather than just recycling old ones,

like I have been.

I have HEARD there are issues with trying to install on computers with

Windows8 already installed--the only source I have of "CHEAP" laptops.

Basically a Wal-mart or Best-buy boxes that I can get in the $250-$400 ra

Does anybody have experience with this?  Yeah, I know I'll be Voiding the

Warranty--but, I need a laptop for real work--not socializing or net
flicking.  You know what I mean.

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