Hi Yasha Karant!

 On 2013.03.07 at 17:38:13 -0800, Yasha Karant wrote next:

>   Linux RPM filesize: 54.7 MB     Instructions    After installing Java,
> you will need to enable Java in your browser.
>   Linux filesize: 45.9 MB     Instructions
>   Linux x64 * filesize: 44.6 MB   Instructions
>   Linux x64 RPM * filesize: 52.8 MB   Instructions32-bit version for
> Java applet and Java Web Start suppor
> * Please use the 32-bit version for Java applet and Java Web Start support.
Check out this part. To get it working, you just have to do what they
say here - 32-bit java is the keyword here. But there might be other
way, read on.

> [ykarant@ahprc3 ~]$ java -version
> java version "1.6.0_24"
> OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.11.3)
> (rhel-
> OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.0-b12, mixed mode)

And this is 64-bit openjdk, not what they meant.

> and although firefox reports that the jre plugin is enabled
> (that is /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins has libnpjp2.so as a soft link to
> the correct file from the above URL source (
> /usr/java/default/lib/i386/libnpjp2.so )
> [again -- 32-bit version for Java applet and Java Web Start support
> we need] and is reported by firefox as enabled)

No, you mistunderstood what they meant (no wonder, as they forgot about
openjdk's existance, which complicates things). They are talking about
*oracle* java. Oracle java didn't support 64-bit firefox plugin in the
past (I'm not sure if it does now), which is why you'd have to use
32-bit browser with 32-bit plugin - and, of course, 32-bit java to go
along with that.

OpenJDK 6 is completely different beast; java plugin packaged with SL6
(icedtea-web package) indeed supports 64-bit browsers.

So, your first option is sticking to SL openjdk and 64-bit versions.
Make sure you have icedtea-web package installed, and use *64-bit*
firefox. The java plugin should work, the site in question might or
might not (some tend to dislike openjdk, especially openjdk6). All
packages are in SL, you don't need to install anything else.

Second option is to follow instructions on that site. For that, you have
to download & install 32-bit java 7 from oracle site, install 32-bit
version of firefox (there is one in SL, too) and the site should work
for you.

> the java in fact does not run.  This is not a firefox issue nor a
> java issue per se, as the visualization application does work on

Well, strictly speaking, this *is* firefox & java interoperability issue
and has nothing to do with SL, it's just result of typical mess of
32 vs 64-bit plugins which rely on 32 & 64-bit versions of browsers,
combined with Sun's (and Oracle after that) inability to release 64-bit
java web plugin in time. Well, discovering who to blame for that would
be OT, I just hope you'll get the site working! I suggest you to try
with stock openjdk first and go for oracle 32-bit versions only if you
discover some problems.



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