On 18/04/13 11:49, g wrote:
On 04/18/2013 03:31 AM, John Pilkington wrote:

yumex is available from EPEL.  smart-gui, at ATrpms, gives similar
information and I've used it a lot, recently in the 1.4.1 version which
I had to build myself.  I'm now running 6.4 with kde-unstable and
haven't yet managed to rebuild smart-gui for that.

that drove the nail in real good. i installed this system from a live
cd and failed to set up the rest of the repos. i knew things where a
little on the thin side, but i had not realize why.

thank you very much.

Coming new(ish) to yumex after smart, I find its control of repo-selection unreliable; but smart can get bogged down in dependency resolution with eg the Fedora repos and prefers to sort out a few packages at a time. Otherwise kill -9 :-(

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