On 04/18/2013 06:10 AM, John Pilkington wrote:

Coming new(ish) to yumex after smart, I find its control of
repo-selection unreliable; but smart can get bogged down in dependency
resolution with eg the Fedora repos and prefers to sort out a few
packages at a time.  Otherwise kill -9 :-(

interesting. i have not had problems. at least not that i am aware of.

i am not familiar with 'smart' so i can not comment about it.

i am currently using a friends system, setting it up for him.

i erred in installing from a 6.3 live cd that i made for another purpose,
as i did not give thought to how lacking it would be for a working

seems like nothing is every easy when i try a quick way. :-)

sure as "God made little green apples", i found out just how lacking
it is when i started setting up for new repos.

i am pulling in the 6.4 boot iso now. after, i will put it on a 256m0
memory stick that has been collecting dust. then i will wipe this
installation, reformat and install a fresh system.

currently, i have 6.3 on a memory stick that i have show some folks
how easy it is to use linux. 2 want it as a second boot, 4 want it
to replace oos.

i do believe the 2 dual booter's will end up moving on into linux
once i set them up and show them how easy it can be to play their
games under vm.

i noticed that download is finished, so i am "off to the races".

thanks again for waking me up.



in a world with out fences, who needs gates.

tc. hago.


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