Elrepo is your problem they often push untested updated drivers.
Use the drivers that came with the kernel they may not have all the features but they should work.
Do not install kmod-8169.

-- Sent from my HP Pre3

On May 4, 2013 4:11 AM, Bill Maidment <b...@maidment.vu> wrote:

Hi again
I've just rebuilt a desktop machine with a GA-970A-D3 motherboard using SL 6.4 64 bit isos and the network adaptor is dropping all transmitted packages.
The onboard adapter is a Realtek RTL8168/8111
Using a Fedora 18 Live disk the network adapter works OK and is recognised as RTL8168evl/8111evl
I have other spare network cards, but the are all RTL8168 or RTL8169 and all show the same symptoms in SL 6.4, but they all work in Fedora 18.
Can anyone help me to get the drivers updated (ELrepo kmod-r8168 and kmod-r8169 did not help)?

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