Oh ok I stand corrected and apoligize.

-- Sent from my HP Pre3

On Jun 6, 2013 8:14 PM, John Lauro <john.la...@covenanteyes.com> wrote:

If you read the bug report, he wasn't complaining about the requirement for root to update, only that it did not ask for it and simply tries to update and crashes.

From: "Paul Robert Marino" <prmari...@gmail.com>
To: "Todd And Margo Chester" <toddandma...@gmail.com>, "scientific-linux-users" <scientific-linux-users@fnal.gov>
Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2013 8:03:29 PM
Subject: Re: advice on using latest firefox from mozilla

Todd and Margo (I'm never sure who I'm addressing with you lol)

There is a long standing security reason non root users can't update software which affect all users on the system. Remember over all *ux design is based on a multi user model where only people granted root access by password access or even better sudo access can affect all users. This is a good thing, it was done in response to computer viruses in the 70s. 

-- Sent from my HP Pre3

On Jun 6, 2013 7:40 PM, Todd And Margo Chester <toddandma...@gmail.com> wrote:

On 06/06/2013 01:18 PM, Todd And Margo Chester wrote:
> I have had no
> problems at all, except that the updates can not be installed
> by the users -- you have to fire up Firefox as root.

I just filed this: Linux upgrade required root privileges.
And, it's looking good for implementation:


"Ya All" please vote for it!


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