Slow Application start-up times.

Sl: 6.4
Kernel: 2.6.32-358.14.1.el6.i686

Here are readings of some of my application start-ups:

1. gedit: 10sec [used to be <=2secs]
2. Thunderbird Email: 3 minutes [used to be <=5secs]
3. Chrome: 10sec [used to be <=3sec]
4. File Browser: 12secs [used to be <=2sec]
5. SL start-up itself takes more than 20 minutes.
6. It takes about 5 minutes after the initial login for the gnome workspace to be ready-to-go

Indeed, every application takes (seems like) ages to start. Some of these applications' start-up would even time-out, and would require a second click to start.

I don't know where to look for the cause(s). Please give me some clues to work with. The problem started following an upgrade of Kernel early this year. I have since upgraded the kernel, two (or so) more times.

PLEASE! PLEASE! don't suggest that I reinstall SL. I am occasionally very tempted to do just that, but it would delay the project I am currently working on.


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