On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 09:32:34AM +0100, x...@gmx.com wrote:
> Slow Application start-up times.

Obviously something changed somewhere to cause your problem.

You can try to identify this change (you installed some new packages,
something happened on the network, something happened to your computer hardware)
and undo/fix it.

Examples of hardware failure of your computer that affects application startup
would be hard drive faults (resulting in very slow read and write performance),
RAM failure (you think you have 6GB, but all DIMMs failed and you only have 
0.5GB -
this would show in "top", though). Also CPU cooling failure can cause the CPU
to run at very slow clock speed.

I assume you have used "top" and "vmstat 1" to check that you do not have
some forgotten programs running that use up all CPU cycles, all memory
and all disk access. (Such applications may or may not clear by reboot).

> PLEASE! PLEASE! don't suggest that I reinstall SL.  I am
> occasionally very tempted to do just that, but it would delay the
> project I am currently working on.

If you have a hardware fault or a network problem, reinstalling the OS
will not fix it.

You may try a different keyboard, though.

Konstantin Olchanski
Data Acquisition Systems: The Bytes Must Flow!
Email: olchansk-at-triumf-dot-ca
Snail mail: 4004 Wesbrook Mall, TRIUMF, Vancouver, B.C., V6T 2A3, Canada

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