On 08/13/2013 03:41 AM, Kraus, Dave (GE Healthcare) wrote:
I did say, dependent on system configuration.

X11 is not treated as a "standard" service on a Red Hat box. (Debian, for 
example, does.)

If you've installed services outside of Red Hat's management, then see above 
re:system configuration.

This discussion demonstrates two things:

* The old init system was complicated (in that the defaults aren't uniform). Familiarity with the system triumphed over lack of clear implementation and lack of documentation.

* systemd is a huge effort that isn't doing anything to remedy the situation.

This echoes the history of HAL and a few other things that have come before. My whole point was that these changes are politically, not technically driven, and that's not going to end well for anyone because RH doesn't have a monopoly in market or mindshare (recall the decline of Unix in the 80's due to this very issue).

A third, sidetrack point that's been demonstrated is that internet discussions have a tendency to get sidetracked.

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