One minor note,

Read isn't needed on the directories if the user/script/etc knows the path.  If 
the filename is known (no requirement to do a ls on the directory), then 
execute is sufficient.  If you give read, then all the filenames in your 
directory are revealed (but not necessarily the contents).

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Earl Ramirez" <>
> To: "Mahmood Naderan" <>
> Cc:
> Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2013 4:43:31 PM
> Subject: Re: How a user can execute a file from anothe user
> Sorry, I just saw the mistake, I forgot to mention that you need to
> grant access to the your home directory as mentioned by Mark.
> chmod o+rx /home/mahmood (I added read as the user didn't have
> permission to access the directory.
> You should now be able to execute the script as another user.
> For your reference:
> I created a folder named "shared" in user2 home directory
> @lab19 ~]# ls -la /home/user2
> total 40
> drwx---r-x. 5 user2 user2  4096 Sep 26 15:57 .
> drwxr-xr-x. 5 root  root   4096 Sep 26 15:53 ..
> -rw-------. 1 user2 user2  1387 Sep 26 16:27 .bash_history
> -rw-r-----. 1 user2 user2    18 Feb 21  2013 .bash_logout
> -rw-r-----. 1 user2 user2   176 Feb 21  2013 .bash_profile
> -rw-r-----. 1 user2 user2   124 Feb 21  2013 .bashrc
> drwxr-x---. 2 user2 user2  4096 Nov 11  2010 .gnome2
> drwxr-x---. 4 user2 user2  4096 Dec 20  2012 .mozilla
> drwxrws---. 2 user2 public 4096 Sep 26 15:57 shared
> -rw-------. 1 user2 user2   641 Sep 26 15:57 .viminfo
> Created the script and was able to execute it from the user name
> user1
> @lab19 ~]# ls -la /home/user2/shared/
> total 12
> drwxrws---. 2 user2 public 4096 Sep 26 15:57 .
> drwx---r-x. 5 user2 user2  4096 Sep 26 15:57 ..
> -rwxrwx---. 1 user2 public   18 Sep 26 15:57 script1
> user1@lab19 ~]$ /home/user2/shared/script1
> Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/mapper/vg_lab11-lv_root
>                       5.5G  2.8G  2.5G  54% /
> tmpfs                 504M  232K  504M   1% /dev/shm
> /dev/vda1             485M   92M  369M  20% /boot
> /dev/md127            2.0G  100M  1.9G   5% /home/labs
> --
> Kind Regards
> Earl Ramirez
> GPG Key:

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